Benitatxell approves the Strategic Tourism Plan, a roadmap for a green, sustainable and environmentally friendly tourism

  • The document is intended to study the potential of the municipality with a view to the future, outlining objectives and directing the set of actions to be carried out.
  • A mixed committee was created to work together with municipal and private entities linked to the tourism sector.

El Poble Nou de Benitatxell’s Council, through the Councillor of Tourism, has unanimously approved in plenary session the Strategic Tourism Plan 2024-2030, a document which intends to outline the main actions that will make up the strategies to be followed in the upcoming years in terms of tourism.

This plan has been drawn up with the intention of constituting a management and planning tool for all the agents, both public and private, involved in the tourism sector at El Poble Nou de Benitatxell. The document does not only explore the current reality of the territory through the study of its resources and their enhancement, but also seeks to study its potential for the future, outlining objectives and directing the set of actions towards the vision of a territory capable of continuing to generate value and achieve the objectives of the different groups involved in the sector.

“The management and planning for a green, sustainable and respectful tourism with our environment must be a task for the municipal and private entities linked directly and indirectly to the tourism sector, and for this reason we have worked closely with the different tourism agents of the municipality to know their vision and listen to their opinions”, said the councillor of the area, Víctor Bisquert.

In order to do this, a mixed committee was set up consisting of private agents (restaurants, travel agencies, hotel establishments, tourist rental companies, tourist service businesses…) and councillors and technical staff from the local public administration. In addition, citizen surveys were previously carried out on a variety of tourist aspects related to El Poble Nou de Benitatxell.

This collaboration between public and private agents will help to achieve the objectives set by the plan, which are, among others, to consolidate participatory management between public and private entities involved in the development of the tourism sector of El Poble Nou de Benitatxell; to strengthen the positioning of the municipality within the national and international tourism market; to work on the tourism products that the municipality currently has to adapt them to new trends and improve their value; to take advantage of existing synergies between tourism in El Poble Nou de Benitatxell and its surroundings; and to promote the creation of new products and offers of experiences.

Some of the specific actions outlined in the plan include the creation of experiential packs and new tourism products that help to attract a family audience that respects nature; the promotion of ecotourism routes; a new brand image that represents the values of the municipality and the modernisation of the municipal website; the launch of an experiential centre of Les Pesqueres and the creation of a Smart Office.

This document is interconnected with the Tourism Sustainability Plan that is already being developed by the council, and whose management is currently in the awarding phase. In addition, the approval of this plan is one of the requirements to have the category of touristic municipality and to be able to access important help in touristic matters and European funds.