Parties and Events 2022

Start date: 2022-01-01
End date: 2022-12-31



2-6: Christmas Activities



1-26: Photography contest: Photo Donate

1/2-5/3: III Micropoem Contest “El Poble Nou en vers”



5-14: Women's Week

10: Online talk: “Owner of Me” with Renee Aguilar

11: Direct from Instagram: “Not to talk about sexuality” with Silvia Pérez

12: Cinema: “The Suffragettes”

13: Storyteller: “Pretty”

14: Flute concert: “Aubade”



1-30: Window display competition: #socmitjafava

14-19: Exhibition: “Exili il·lustrat”

19-24: Gastronomic days: “arròs amb fava pelà”

19-25: Mitjafava Fest

24: Day of the book

24: Screening of the documentary “Almansa 1707”

21-30: Exhibition: “Vacuna't with reading”



3/5-4/6: II Microstory Contest “A town that wrote and lived…”

4-21: Exhibition “Art with therapy” (AMADEM)

16, 23 and 30: Spring Concerts

29: Storyteller: “What's happening?”

30: Sundays Marina Alta: Els penya-segats



11: Presentation of the book “Diània, paissatges costaners”

13 and 20: Spring Concerts

19: Storyteller: “My African stories”

20: MA Sundays: Geocaching, discovering treasures

25 and 28: In Poble Nou we celebrate diversity

26: Olimp Cyclist Time Trial Benitatxell

26: Sundays Marina Alta: Summer Monday


3 and 4: In Poble Nou we celebrate diversity

8: Children's Curts Festival 2

10: Band Festival

14 and 28: Dramatized routes “Un museum al vent”

15-31: Festivities in honor of St. Mary Magdalene

31: Riuraus Route: Mitjafava and Riurau

Friday: Moscatell Friday



3: Cinema: Once upon a time…

4: Afternoon of fun: Mechanical bull and inflatables.

10: Cinema: Spirit: Indomitable (Valencian).

11: «Kermesse»: giant games of logic and ingenuity.

13: Sample of Valencian dances.

16: Literary night with the book “Històries de la lluna vella” by Josep Colomer.

17: Cinema: Fast forward! Trip to Asturias.

18: Talk about creative women by Anna Moner.

23: Inauguration of the BIOsaludable route.

24: Presentation of the documentary «Venim de Lluny. “A journey through the history of the Marina Alta” + a short documentary “El Poble Nou de Benitatxell sees rain”.

25: Witches' Night at els Pous de l'Abiar: Dramatized route and storytelling "Tales of the extinguished light" in the Cova de les Bruixes.

26: End of summer party at Plaça del Mercat: Sobaquillo dinner and “Paraules de dona” concert.


4, 11 and 18: Dramatized routes “Un museum al vent”.

Friday: Moscatell Friday



1-21: EMERGENT: pop-up book exhibition

30: Talk-conference: «Joan Fuster, our writer» at the Center Social


7-9: “9 d'octubre” Festival – Valencian Community Day

14: Presentation of the book “Soldats de Lleva” by Josep Colomer at the Social Center

23: Library Day


16,19 i 20: International Children's Rights Day

19-27: Acts against gender violence

26/11-1/12: Feast of Saint Cecilia


08/12 – 06/01: Christmas Activities

19: Christmas market



Download the list of Parties and Events 2021