Underwater tour Cala Testos (snorkel)

The cove Cala dels Testos is one of the most reserved spots on the Costa Blanca that can only be reached from the Barranc de l'Infern, following an exciting path (Route of Testos) packed with adventure where there are stretches where we have to hang from ropes, or else from the sea, covering a distance of about 400 metres from the beach Moraig. If we choose this system we will particularly enjoy it if we do so travelling on a canoe savouring a view of the strong character of this coast.

The cove has a south orientation and is covered with boulders. The sea bed, in a very good condition, alternates the areas of rock blocks covered in some stretches by small brown algae, with white sand banks and with the notable presence of areas of lush Posidonia, the biggest producer of oxygen in our environment that obtains from this underwater plant an amount that is 10 times higher than its equivalent in area of land forest.

The route continues, coming up to the wall of the cove and following its shelf, to then separate from it and observe the big stones that spatter the bed and which provide in their hollows a refuge for species like octopus, always so reserved and difficult to observe because of the way they so cleverly master the art of camouflage. Sargos incessantly patrol the hard beds whilst shoals of cow breams feed on the Posidonia flashing their yellow reflections.

Starfish are specks of colour whilst sea urchins stand out in their number, compared with other areas of the coast of the Marina Alta where they have almost disappeared.

We will draw a circle, and find the opposite wall to where we started, recognising the innumerable points of interest which will make our visit to this privileged core of pure Mediterranean a sheer delight.



Type: snorkel

Level: **/medium

Access: beach

Maximum depth: -6 m

Approximate duration: 40 minutes

About the route

Difficulty: Low - Medium
Route type: Diving and snorkeling
