Wine Moraig and BioMoscatell Juice

Moraig Wine and BioMoscatell Juice are products made from Muscat grapes launched on local project BioMoscatell, produced respectful and sustainable with the environment. Its raw material, the muscat, grows in dry lands of El Poble Nou de Benitatxell, taking advantage of the annual rainfall to become of this high quality fruit, so much appreciated. This products are implemented of a participatory project carried out by farmers of El Poble Nou de Benitatxell. This initiative committed to the conversion to sustainable agriculture, through the new agro-ecological dynamics of the territory through training and outreach to all the groups of the municipality. After launching to the market the first two harvests of grapes without chemical residues, the BioMoscatell project opted for its diversification by winemaking Moraig, produced according to the rules of organic winemaking and the BioMoscatell Juice. Moraig white wine continues with the essence of the project to maintain and recover the wine culture of the El Poble Nou de Benitatxell, preserve the landscape and enhance and dignify the profession of winemakers, and create an excellent product. The BioMoscatell Juice is a 100% natural moscatel juice, with a very fruity flavour and fresh and fruity taste of moscatell.